Sunday, April 24, 2011

Laxers Going Green

Because of the nature of the sport, players often use disposable bottles to bring water with them to the field. Convenient as this may be, it poses a problem when it comes time to dispose of them. Recreational sites often have a scarce amount of trash cans, and very rarely have recycling bins. Trash left at fields can create problems for both the township and the teams leaving the trash behind.

Van Hoozen Park, located off of Aboite Center Road is doing things differently. Recently they acquired more means for disposing of trash. They have put out multiple recycling bins for recyclable plastics and paper, a large dumpster for larger items, and easier to find trash cans. Since the introduction of the recycling bins, empty bottles left at the fields are becoming less and less common.

Aiding in these efforts, the lacrosse teams in the area are also doing their part. Both the middle school and high school teams that use these fields for practice have begun using Nalgene bottles. The reusable bottles are custom ordered so that they have team logos and player numbers printed on them. This eliminates the need for more wasteful alternatives.

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